Deceased Estates
What is a Deceased Estate?
A deceased estate matter is the distributing of a deceased person’s possessions and property in accordance with either their Will or under the law. Deceased estates include Probate, Letters of Administration and Notices of Death.
What is Probate?
Probate happens when the deceased person has a Will and the named executor applies to the court for a Grant of Probate. The Grant of Probate allows the named executor to call in all assets and distribute the estate according to the wishes in the Will.
What are Letters of Administration?
Letters of Administration is when a deceased person has not prepared a Will, or the Will prepared is deemed not valid by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will then need to determine who will administer the estate. The grant of Letters of Administration allows the named administrator to call in all assets and distribute the estate according to the Succession Act 2006 (NSW).
What is a Notice of Death?
A Notice of Death is a legal document that is prepared when the deceased’s only asset is real estate held jointly with another. This document removes the deceased from the title and solely puts the title into the surviving joint tenants name.